CWS offers training for the CWS developed technologies and for other systems designed to support collaborative work. It also offers courses in developing and evaluating systems that aid situation awareness, communications, and collaboration.
1. Introduction to Human Factors Engineering
Knowledge Acquired: Overview of cognitive psychology, cognitive task analysis, user interface design guidelines, evaluation techniques, root cause analysis, and failure mode effects analysis.
Approach: In person - presentation & hands-on. Remote - presentation & independent study exercises
Standard Course Duration: 4 - 8 hours.
2. Human Centered Design and Evaluation for Software Developers
Knowledge Acquired: Ethnographic observation, scenario based design, expert reviews, usability testing, surveys, interaction styles, information visualization, internal & external help.
Approach: In person - presentation & hands-on. Remote - presentation & independent study exercises
Standard Course Duration: 2 - 3 days.
3. Human Centered Design and Evaluation for Project Managers
Knowledge Acquired: Justifying, planning, and budgeting for user centered design and evaluation. Overview of methods for user centered requirements development, design, evaluation, and maintenance. Matching techniques to projects goals and constraints. Recruiting human factors professionals.
Approach: In person - presentation & hands-on. Remote - presentation & independent study exercises
Standard Course Duration: 1 - 2 days.
4. Advanced Human Factors Engineering
Knowledge Acquired: Measuring situation awareness. Designing overview displays. Field testing. Incident reporting systems. Risk assessment and safety. Publishing user centered research and best practices.
Approach: In person - presentation & hands-on. Remote - presentation & independent study exercises
Standard Course Duration: 3 days.